Legal Notice

General informations

Legal form: SAS
Share capital: € 10,000,000
Headquarters: Paris

Website Creation Agency

This site was created by : KIMAROTEC.NET
This site is maintained by : KIMAROTEC.NET

E-mail :

Intellectual property

This site constitutes a work protected by copyright in force in France. Furthermore, unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property rights in the documents contained in the site (texts, photographs, images, etc.) and each of the elements published on the CENTRALE TAXI PARIS site are the exclusive property of KIMAROTEC. The use or the reproduction of all elements published on the site CENTRALE TAXI PARIS is expressly prohibited (article 122.4 of the code of the intellectual property).
Uses of Google Analytics

This site uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (« Google »). Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze the use of the site by its users.
Limitation of liability

You use this site under your sole and entire responsibility. CENTRALE TAXI PARIS can not be held responsible for direct or indirect damages, such as, in particular, material damage, loss of data or programs, financial loss, resulting from the use of this site or sites related to it.

CENTRALE TAXI PARIS reserves the right to modify and update, without notice, this legal notice and all elements, products presented on the site. All of these modifications are binding on users who must consult these legal notices at each login.